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News and Events - January, 2010

Hygiene Kits for Haiti Disaster Relief

The Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green joins with people the world over in mourning the death and destruction caused by the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12. We ask that you pray for the people of Haiti and consider making a donation to the relief effort through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

Church on the Green is responding by providing hygiene kits to Haiti through Church World Service. Each hygiene kit includes:

  • One hand towel measuring approximately 16" x 28" (no fingertip or bath towels)
  • One washcloth
  • One wide-tooth comb
  • One nail clipper (no metal files or emery boards)
  • One bar of soap (bath size in wrapper)
  • One toothbrush (in original packaging)
  • Six Band-Aids®

All items are sealed in a one-gallon plastic bag with a zipper closure.

The Women's Fellowship will be assembling the hygiene kits after the potato luncheon on Sunday, January 24. Donations of any of the above items are welcome. You can also complete some hygiene kits on your own, or make a donation to cover the shipping expense of $2 per bag. Items may be dropped off at our church office at 147 Broad Street, Bloomfield, NJ, between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm, Monday through Friday, or call the church office at 973-743-1796 to schedule a different time.

Feed the World on the Green kitchen volunteers
Feed the World on the Green: Meeting the Hunger Needs of Our Neighbors

The Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green provides a full dinner at no cost once a month to those who come to us hungry. We serve with dignity all those who join us. Dinners are served on the third Monday of every month from 5:00 pm to 7 pm in our Parish House, located at 147 Broad Street, Bloomfield (across from Bloomfield High School).

With all of the hardships facing many individuals and families we want to do our part in making others feel welcome and let them know we care. Please feel free to contact us by calling the church office at 973-743-1796 or e-mail This program is sponsored by the Women's Fellowship of the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green.

2010 Schedule
  • January 18
  • February 15
  • March 15
  • April 19
  • May 17
  • June 21

Dinners are served from 5:00 pm to 7 pm in our Parish House, located at 147 Broad Street, Bloomfield.

Play Ball! Peacemaking Money Put to Work

A message from Scott Maciag, Mission Committee Chair

As reported earlier, our 25% of the Peacemaking money went to support the Bloomfield Challenger Little League. This is a league that allows people with all sorts of disabilities to play baseball. On Sunday, December 13, I was invited to attend their holiday party to present a check in the amount of $466.92 to support their league. As I told members of the Mission Committee, I was anticipating spending no more than a half hour and ended spending over 2 hours at a magnificent event. I wish we had a bigger representation there. I was welcomed with open arms, and hugs as I was introduced to the many volunteers, participants, and supporters of this organization. I was able to sit with the President of the league as well as councilmen from both Bloomfield and Belleville. After presenting the check, I/we received great thanks and admiration from players (including a hug from one of its younger players), parents and volunteers. I was thanked all throughout my time at this dinner.

What amazed me more, as I watched these young people and partners dance the Hokey-Pokey, Chicken Dance as well as various games the DJ was running, was that no one was left out. Everyone was included with special effort to include those in a wheelchair. Watching the interactions between volunteers, parents, players it is evident that this is more than just a baseball league.

We have had our challenges as a congregation but we did something special with this money and we should be proud that we made a difference and our efforts were appreciated. I strongly encourage us to foster and build upon this relationship. We continue to work on arrangements to attend a game or two in the spring. Of all the times I have represented the BPCOG or spoken in public on our behalf this was my proudest moment! We did a wonderful thing. Share the great news; we are here to serve all people with God’s love and mercy.

Respectfully submitted for your meditation,

Scott Maciag

Book Study Group - January 11

Just how glorious is God’s grace? What does it mean to be redeemed? These questions are among those which will be discussed at our next book study group meeting on Monday night, January 11. We will meet in the church parlor 7:30 P.M. and will discuss chapters 8 and 9 of “Chosen in Christ: The Glory of Grace in Ephesians 1” by Rev. Richard Phillips. Everyone is invited! For more information or to get your own copy of this book, please see Glenn Maciag, call the church office at 973-743-1796, or email

Friday Night Fun & Fellowship - January 15

Our next Friday Night Dinner will be held on January 15th at 6:30 pm in the Parish House. We will be celebrating the Chinese New Year with guest chef Le Vuong. Come and taste some authentic cooking (not the typical Chinese take-out) and then be entertained by celebrating the Chinese New Year in the traditional manner of dance and martial arts. Please see Ginny Anderson or Beverly Monahan to reserve your seat or call the church office at 973-743-1796 no later than January 12th. Tickets are only $8 per person and children under 12 are free. No tickets will be sold at the door.

Presbyterian World e-newsletter

Presbyterian World Mission sends out a free monthly electronic newsletter, "Presbyterian World,” about the international mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

A special November 9, 2009 issue (pdf file) featured a CNN video interview of Shelvis Smith-Mather, Young Adult Volunteer recently returned from Kenya.

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