Bloomfield (NJ) Presbyterian Church on the Green
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BPCOG Privacy Policy

Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green abides by the following Privacy Policy when posting information and images on the church’s website.

1. For pastors/staff - we (hereafter understood to be the webmaster, assistant(s) and other parties participating in the design, execution and maintenance of the BPCOG website on behalf of the Session), list names, email addresses (usually office emails), and office phone numbers. No home phone numbers, home addresses, or mobile phone numbers are listed without the expressed written consent of the affected individual and the signed Participant Release form is on file in the church office.

2. For adults - we list names of individuals who serve as primary contact persons for groups or activities that we feature on the website. We do not list private email addresses, phone numbers or home addresses unless specific written permission has been given and the signed Participant Release form is on file in the church office.

3. For youth and children - we do not list first or last names without the specific written permission of a parent and the signed Participant Release form is on file in the church office. We do not list home addresses, email addresses or phone numbers.

4. When posting photos of events, attendees, or members - either directly on the website or in our photo albums - we use the following guidelines:

a. We try not to post anything embarrassing, objectionable or hurtful to anyone in the photo.

b. We do not use names in photo captions, without written consent of the named individual and the signed Participant Release form is on file in the church office.

c. We will provide photo credit, upon request, if desired by the photographer and honor all intellectual property rights including but not limited to copyright and trademark restrictions.

d. We will gladly remove any photo immediately upon request. If you see a photo that includes you or your child and would like it removed from the website, notify the webmaster with the details. Immediately shall be considered a period of time not exceed 48 hours from the date of request in order to provide the webmaster ample time to remove the image or to delegate it to assistant(s).

5. The webmaster and assistant(s) are named by the Session, the governing board of the Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green. Accountability to a specific Session Team to be determined.

Approved by Session: June 19, 2013

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