BEEFSTEAK DINNER- Fund Raising Events for Building Repair
The Bloomfield Presbyterian Church on the Green's Benefit Beefsteak Dinner took place on June 7, 2013, at the Essex Manor in Bloomfield, NJ. This event raised funds to restore the church's historic sanctuary building. Bobby Valli's "Jersey Legends" show headlined the evening, which also included a DJ, Tricky Tray, 50/50 raffle, and lots of beef. Everyone had a good time!

==> Click here for the Youtube Video of the Event.
A big thank you to everyone who worked to make the Beefsteak Dinner an amazing success! There were over 160 in attendance, and our profit thus far is $6,500 and counting - all toward our historic sanctuary renovation project. Thanks to all who worked behing the scenes and all who supported us by attending, selling tickets, selling ads for the Ad Book and donating to our Tricky Tray! And a very special thank you to our featured performer, Bobby Valli, who volunteered his time and talent on our behalf, turning an otherwise fun and profitable evening into a night we all will remember.
Memorial Day 2013
Church Members Participated in the 146th Annual Bloomfield Memorial Day Parade - May 26, 2013
"Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee," was our opening hymn on Sunday, May 5, 2013, and joy was in the air as we welcomed six new members, along with four children and a teenager. Our joy spilled over into the coffee hour as we shared cake, punch, smiles and hugs; from Pastor Ruth.
 Reception of new members during the Sunday service by Pastor Ruth
 The Congregation welcoming the new members
 The new members with Pastor Ruth during the coffee hour with the welcoming cake
April 26, 2013 - Brunswick Bowl, Belleville, NJ
 Bowling - A sport for people with talent to spare.
 Thank you to everyone who came out to watch, mingle, and cheer on these intrepid athletes.
 Fellowship, Food, and Friendly Competition
 Many of us are looking forward to next year's event already and perhaps one day resurrecting the bowling alley in the church basement.
==> Click here for a Video Montage of the Event.
Bloomfield Presbyterian Church Members, Family & Friends Condolences
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